moments sneak up on you. today i walked over to the library with nate and chloe (why is it that 2 kids feels like 20 less kids than 3?) and on the way home we stopped at dunn bros for an iced coffee - yum. i love the iced dark roast. strong, no sugar with milk. slightly medicinal but delicious and i always silently congratulate myself for not getting their version of a frappucino type beverage with whipped cream...so not only feeling triumphant but also fresh and wide awake. here is something one could get addicted to. so while i am ordering chloe drops her book, nate drops some garbage, you know the drill and it does not occur to them to pick it up so i say guys pick it up....blah blah blah - they do! holy shit! anyways i say to the coffee guy - i am their sherpa. he looks at me and says sherpas are used to surviving without a lot of oxygen. pause pause pause. we look at each other. i smile he smiles, i pick up chloe's water cup and toss it in the garbage. take a deep breath and enjoy a little stumble into wisdom. who knew my coffee stop would fill me thrice.