in the epic battle for domination, and no, i am not referring to nate vs chloe, that is a whole other story, one that would take some quiet and at least a whole bottle of wine to wrap my mind around. this battle i am referring to is laundry. what is a 7 letter word for defeat......laundry. btw i had to count that out on my fingers at least twice. i have come at this from all angles. monday is laundry day - failure! each day i will do a load - failure! i will just air fluff items and pretend they were laundered - stinky failure! how many times have i heard - mom/marla/honey/lazy fat assed w$%#e - do i have any clean underwear? to which i answer (at least in the month of july,) - oh honey it's summer go comando - alas failure! don't even get me started on the chewies - total utter and i fear unhygienic failure! so what's a mom to do? thank goodness for washers and driers for one, i do not even want to go there with the whole cloth diaper thing...thank god for my good natured spouse who i know likes to wear things a second or third time (that is a 7 child family thing, i am sure) and i suspect my daughter and son in laws one day will thank me for learned fondness for the whole free ballin/?? thing. well, likely they will never thank me - heaven forbid! it will, i imagine be an unspoken thing, not unlike the smile on my face as i roll over and go back to sleep and mike recycles his underwear.
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