so nick asks me in the car - "mom, i think i would like you to tell me about how babies get in and get out". hmm/holy shit/here we are/time to shine moma. i dig up the mantra from ecfe - only give them what they ask for, no more no less. so i fill him in, he says - oh man you had to do that to get me, i chuckle.....so today we are driving home from soccer, my kids and two buddies. i walk the one boy up to his house and hop back in the car to nick shouting - "mom, nate told jimmy about how the penis touches the vagina! screeeeeeeccccchhhhhh....of course nick told nate, of course nate was saving this nugget to use at an appropriate, i.e. attention getting (he is my child after all) moment. i say, nick this was a private talk, you are not to talk with your friends about this, blah blah blah......followed by me sheepishly slinking up the steps to tell jimmy's mom that my 7 year old just gave him the scoop on the facts. she of course was totally cool and put my guilt's at ease - note to self, love when people are cool and put me at ease, enjoy bottle of wine and chortle about sex talk with this pal in near future....hopped back in the car and turned up the volume on the radio - she moves her body like a cyclone and she makes me wanna do it all night long.......turned radio off.....enough facts of life for one day.
note: names of those not my offspring have been changed....so if jimmy tells your kid - it is not my fault.