when i was little we had dear family friends who had the party house. you know the one where people always gather, music is always on, there is always wine...i loved this and intentionally and erratically much to mike's dismay and enjoyment have tried to create this in our home. they had a lovely family house with a boarded up garage emblazoned with "not too shabby". i do not know if it was temporarily under construction or if that was there for years but i remember it. i remember the way it set the tone for fun. i remember my parents laughing and i remember not knowing what it meant but that i liked it. last night i watched as my husband and Trevor from St Cloud leveled our brand new shed - there goes the neighborhood. the early years of our lives set the stage for many of our choices and apparently it is not just me that is intentionally positioning our home for a whole lotta joy. thanks mike, i mean jed.
Kick your shoes off...y'all come back now, y'hear?!