i remember the day i was at my marketing internship at john wiley and sons (last respectable job btw unless you call simultaneous loly gagging & slave labour a career) and i was introduced to "stock photos". tabernacle! (also a little something from JWS) the veil was lifted. those smiling, frowning, toasting, laughing ect strangers had not posed just for my little bookie (that was before the intranet - WTF how did i get so old and WTF why have i been retired....whoa"retired" for so long........)but here was a very large book - a tome, not a tomb as i wanted to call it before the INTRANET! AND GOGGLE - why even educate yourself, just get goggle hard wired to your brain......( : smirk.......chalked full of these said photos - ripe for the taking. back lit staircase - check. laughing children - check. sleeping dog - check. it was all there and all catalogued! well, holy buckets, what a revelation. so now, not a day goes by where i do not look at said photos and think..yeah right. my cherry is gone, i am so on to you all. it really makes enjoying the adds in the sunday paper or really any slightly nebulous pics i come across hard to accept. maybe this is ok for the lot of you but not for i!!! so on a binge of healthy living declarations to myself and sleeping very lazy dog i decided to bookmark all my yoga studios so i was indeed ready for healthy living......that is when i came across this gem. yeah right mofo. healthy smealthy. i am having another glass of vino.
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